The Outdated Style Rules You Should Break

The Outdated Style Rules You Should Break

If you want to start a style revolution, begin by pulling down the outdated rules of yesteryear. If you’re looking for the rules to break, read about these.

In our quest for the best drip, we look at lots of places for inspiration. This may include photos of our favorite celebs, Instagram, and even the local thrift shop. But if there’s one place you need to stop going for style advice, it’s a fashion “rule book” that tells you what you can and can’t wear.

Your style is all about expressing yourself, so why would you let a whole bunch of old-school rules tell you how to dress? If you’re looking to forge your own style, here are a few of the outdated style rules you should break.

Don’t Wear Certain Colors in Certain Seasons

Some colors just make us think of specific seasons. For example, orange fits with the fall, and gray matches the winter. But at some point, someone decided that meant you could only wear certain colors at certain times of the year. For example, some people say:

  • You can’t wear white after Labor Day.
  • Fall Leaf colors (red, orange, and yellow) are only for autumn.
  • Black is only for winter, never for summer.

You don’t need to wear a certain color based on the current season. Rock those cute white boots in winter and that black t-shirt in the summer.

Only Wear One Bold Print at a Time

People used to consider print mixing as a fashion sin because the look was too “busy.” That’s another way of saying, “Hey, you need to take yourself down a notch. You’re too much for me.”

Fortunately, the fashion world has started opening its mind to adding more patterns to its plate. So go on! Mix those prints, crank up those colors, and don’t let anyone tell you that you need to dim your fire.

Don’t Mix Your Metals

Some people believe that when you wear jewelry, you can only wear one type of metal at a time. It’s either all gold, all silver, or nothing.

But think of your metal like your prints—you can mix and match them. So, if you have a gold chain, silver watch, or diamond grill, you no longer have to decide which one you’re going to wear and which one you’re going to leave at the crib.

Only Wear “Slimming Things” if You’re Plus Sized

There are few people who others tell what they shouldn’t wear more than those who are plus-sized. The fashion rules say that you can’t wear sleeveless shirts, crop tops, bold patterns, items that are too tight, or items that are too loose. The only thing the rules say you can wear is black.

These are the outdated style rules you should break more than any other. Why? Because they teach you to hate your body. You’re hot af, so it’s time you owned that. Whether you like a graphic tracksuit or a crop top from our women’s fashion t-shirt line, you should wear what you want to express yourself.

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